Azure Readiness starts here...

The best way to know the future, is to learn it

Building your first Blazor .NET8 app - MSTS Summit

Introduction I got invited to present on Blazor .NET8 as part of the [](MS Tech Summit Poland (MSTS Summit)), for which I’m very excited and honored. For most of my public speaking engagements, I try to focus on live demos, with only a minimum amount of slides, and this session is no different. To help my audience in reproducing the demos in their own time, I decided to write out the steps.

ScifiDevCon 2024 : Building a Marvel Hero App using Blazor and .NET8

Building a Marvel Hero catalog app using Blazor Server and .NET8 Introduction At the end of 2022, as part of the Festive Tech Calendar community initiative, I provided a step-by-step instruction blog on how to build a Blazor Web Assembly app from scratch, using .NET7. About 18 months later, a lot of things have changed in the .NET8 world, which also impacted positively new features around the Blazor Web App Framework, on both Web Assembly (Client/Browser) and Server side.

Sending Emails from Azure DevOps using PowerShell and Azure LogicApps

Hi Readers, This post is merely for myself, documenting all the steps I needed to go through to be able to send emails from a PowerShell script, as part of an Azure DevOps YAML pipeline flow. And since I was documenting it for our internal application, I thought it would hopefully help someone out there looking for a similar solution. Why not using the built-in Email Notification system Azure DevOps provides email notification features, but this comes with a few assumptions.

Festive Tech Calendar - Azure AI - OCR on Steroids

Hugo Azure Static Storage Sites Welcome to this year’s Festive Tech Calendar!! Hi everyone, welcome to my contribution to this year’s Festive Tech Calendar once more. This will be the fourth year, and I still love the concept of bringing some (Azure) joy to you/your family this season. If you ask me what the biggest news in tech was this year, especially within the Microsoft ecosystem, it’s Azure AI. Shouldn’t be surprising to most of you who know me and my role within Microsoft as Technical Trainer - providing Azure workshops every week to our top customers and partners across the globe - we also integrated (A lot :)) of AI focus early in the year.

Packt Book Review - Azure Architecture Explained

In this post, I want to share my review of another Azure book I read recently, Azure Architecture Explained this time from Brett Hargreaves and David Rendon published by Packt Publishing and available on Amazon as well as other e-book subscription platforms. Apart from the great content, it was nice to see one of my own Microsoft Technical Trainer Team colleagues, Sarah Kong, providing the foreword. About the book (from the cover) This book provides you with a clear path to designing optimal cloud-based solutions in Azure, by delving into the platform’s intricacies.

Packt Book Review - Azure for Business Decision Makers

In this post, I want to share my review of another Azure book I read recently, Azure for Decision Makers this time from Jack Lee, Jason Milgram and David Rendon published by Packt Publishing and available on Amazon as well as other e-book subscription platforms. About the book Azure for Decision Makers provides a comprehensive overview of the latest updates in cloud security, hybrid cloud and multi-cloud solutions, and cloud migration in Azure.

Trigger a YAML Pipeline from a Classic Release Pipeline in Azure DevOps

Hi y’all! Over the last 18 months, I’ve been developing a tool for our internal Microsoft Trainer team, allowing them to deploy trainer demo scenarios in Azure using a Blazor Front-End web app, connecting to Azure DevOps pipelines using REST API calls. At the start of the project, Classic Release pipelines were still common, since YAML was too new, and rather unknown. However, over the last few months, more and more I was thinking of shifting from Classic to YAML Pipelines.