is HTML parameter gone from Logic Apps Send Email Connector

Posted by Azure Readiness starts here... on Sunday, May 10, 2020


For almost 2 years, I have been using the “Office 365 Outlook Connector” as part of my Logic Apps flows, to send emails internally and externally. Mainly for external receivers, I used the “is HTML” parameter for the body of the email.

Is HTML parameter

This weekend, I was building a new Logic Apps flow, and to my surprise, finding out that the “V2” of this same connector / action, doesn’t have that parameter anymore.

Is HTML parameter

Even more surprisingly, the HTML code I was using before in the body of my email, doesn’t even get recognized as HTML (would have been nice if this was just magically built-in now… no?), but just sending the raw HTML code as body content. Weird…

Is HTML parameter

More important though, is I found a way to fix this, relying on the “Variables” Connector I used in the past to read and pass on text during my flows from one step to another. Maybe this could work for HTML text as well?

  1. Add a step before the “Send Email” step you already have in your workflow, and search for “Variables” as connector type.

Is HTML parameter

  1. Select “Initialize Variable” as action

Is HTML parameter

providing the following parameters:

  • Name: emailbody or something similarly descriptive
  • Type: String
  • Value: leave empty
  1. Next, add a new step, again selecting the “Variables” connector, but this time going for the “Set Variable” action

Is HTML parameter

Providing the following parameters:

  • Name: emailbody or what you used as Name in the initialize step
  • Value: this is where you paste in the actual HTML code of your email content
  1. Next, select the Send Email V2 action from the “Office 365 Outlook Connector”, defining the “set variable” variable, as body of the email

Is HTML parameter

resulting in the following configuration:

Is HTML parameter

When running your Logic App flow again, you will notice that the email you receive will again be in the expected nicely-looking HTML layout as we had before:

Is HTML parameter

I have no idea why that “is HTML” setting has been removed from the Office 365 Outlook Connector, but glad to know we still have a work-around available to achieve the same result. On the other side, was I that wrong assuming the body layout should recognize HTML by default now? As in anybody still sending emails that are not in HTML layout?

Stay safe and healthy you all!
